Monday, January 29, 2018

What I know now that I wish I’d known then....

Hello to the Blog World,
I am participating in the Reflective Writing Club 6 week blogging journey. I’ve wanted to try this for a bit, so thanks @one and @katiepalacios for the blog name suggestion.

Writing prompt #1- “What do I know now that I’d wish I’d known then?

I’ve thought a lot about this since seeing our first prompt. My first thought was...nothing...I truly enjoy the serendipitous nature of most of my life’s discoveries. Sometimes knowing what’s ahead is scary, and the ruminating and what if’s immobilizing.

Take for instance the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child...does anyone really want to know about labor before you get way. When diagnosed with breast cancer, would I have left the oncologists office with hope and faith if I’d known the absolutely devastating impact of chemo and radiation?

On the other hand...I do know now that my life has meaning, my work is important, and that my strength lies in connecting and creating authentic relationships with others. At the end of the day, I work hard to give my best every day, knowing that I have much to learn.  For so many years I doubted my ability to take on the role of College President, but today I am grateful everyday for the opportunity to serve the students, faculty and classified professionals of #sdmesacollege.

So, what I know now that I wish I’d known then is this...keep your mind and ❤️ open to new things, push yourself to be vulnerable, and occasionally just jump into something writing a blog. Or in the case of our new spring 18 students....welcome to #sdmesacollege!


  1. Good for you for jumping in to something new. Mind open to new experiences. That is important.

    Several years ago, under a similar experience for faculty and staff, we had a dean write with us. I think it was good for everyone that there was participation at all levels. While the experience was initially for faculty,, the second year we ran it we included anyone on campus. That was a good choice.

    His writings are here:

  2. "being open to new things, push yourself to be vulnerable" -- I think educators need to do this so they remember what learning something new feels like. Great that you are blogging to learn and to reflect and share with your college. Your post builds hope. ~ Sheri

  3. I felt the same way when I first read this prompt Pam-- I figured.. I knew what I was supposed to know when I was supposed to know it!

    And thanks for the reminder about pushing oneself to be vulnerable-- it is a skill/habit that (for me at least) always needs attending to and renewing, like remembering to put air in my tires :)
